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Muse Chronicle Reviews “Mr. Know It All”

Muse Chronicle has reviewed our debut single “Mr. Know It All”. Read full review at the link below.   “Mr. Know It All by heavy on the heart. is a loop trap for your ears.”   Muse Chronicle Reviews Mr. Know It All

Mango Wave Magazine Reviews Mr. Know It All

Mango Wave Magazine Reviews “Mr. Know It All”   “heavy on the heart. know how to move and excite their audience. They combine dynamic Alternative Rock and melodic Pop Punk while they are not stingy with heaviness.” Read the Full Review Here

Rock Era Magazine Reviews Mr. Know It All

Rock Era Magazine has reviewed our debut single “Mr. Know It All”. Read the full review at the link below.   “Heavy on the Heart. are just getting started, yet the Long Island-based four-piece are as seasoned as rockers at their peak.”   Rock Era Magazine – Mr. Know It All Review

Medium Reviews Mr. Know It All

Medium reviewed Mr. Know It All “If you seek a band to move you, a band to ignite the flames within, look no further than heavy on the heart. for they have grabbed hold of your soul. “   Read the Full Review

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