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Riffsville Records

stay up to date with heavy on the heart.

We have partnered with 31 Records

Our new single “Not Now, Love” is streaming everywhere. Watch: Listen:   We are proud to announce that we have partnered with 31 Records who will help us reach a larger audience, monetize our media & help soften the financial burden that comes with being a new band.   We look forward to...

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Acoustic Set Tonight at Nostalgia

The In Your House Party comes to Nostalgia tonight and we are honored to be opening the show with an acoustic performance. Special One Night Only Drink Specials! Grab Yourself a Delicious “Mr. Know It All”   I Ignite Scared 20 Lunacy Commission heavy on the heart.   Tickets

Muse Chronicle Reviews “Mr. Know It All”

Muse Chronicle has reviewed our debut single “Mr. Know It All”. Read full review at the link below.   “Mr. Know It All by heavy on the heart. is a loop trap for your ears.”   Muse Chronicle Reviews Mr. Know It All

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